We’re all unique – and so are our nipples!

on November 29, 2021 .
We hear from mums every day with different shaped nipples – protruding, flat, inverted, sometimes two different varieties. It’s all normal, and part of what makes us, us! 

There’s a bit of a misconception that if you have flat or inverted nipples, breastfeeding will be difficult – this isn’t always the case. Some women just need a little bit of help drawing their nipples out to get the most comfortable and effective latch 

There are three Haakaa products that could help you – let’s take a look at each! ☺️⁣


  • We recommend that any mother who is having difficulty with feeding, latching or milk transfer works with a lactation consultant or health professional to access individualised advice and support. Nipple shields should be used under the guide of a professional. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


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