When can I start using Breast Pump?

on February 12, 2022 .
Midwifery educator Aliza from @bumpnbub is here to answer a very common question that we get here at Haakaa
"Throughout every mamas breastfeeding journey, there will be times when she needs to or chooses to pump, so let's dive into this topic! The Haakaa pump is so incredible because it doesn't just act as a "pump" (meaning it empties the breast). One of the most special aspects of the pump is that it can also collect let-down, while you are feeding on the other breast (and if you are a breastfeeding mama, you know how precious every drop of breastmilk is). 
Generally speaking, most lactation consultants and midwives will advise to only begin actively pumping (emptying the breast to replace a feed) after the 6-week postpartum mark.

This gives your body a chance to regulate your milk supply while feeding on demand. Remembering that, breastmilk works entirely on supply and demand, the more you extract, the more you make.
However, this is where the Haakaa pump is so brilliant. You can apply the pump with slight suction when feeding, to capture the milk from the opposite side, without 'pumping' and draining the breast! 
There are also circumstances where a mama may need to pump, well before the 6-week mark. Some of these reasons include: mum and bub being separated, baby being unwell in the NICU, a low supply, bub isn't attaching, a mothers choice not to BF, and exclusively pump, mental health conditions and mamas needing longer periods of sleep, sore and damaged nipples, cultural reasons and more."
In short, there is no one single answer to this question, every family is so unique and we are here to support you on your feeding journeys.
If you have any questions pop them below and we can answer! 

#haakaa #haakaanz


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